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Keeping your fleet

on track, everywhere

Since 20 years, we help the top 500 multinationals present in Europe to optimize their investment in mobile connectivity by offering global access to the most reliable networks through a central point of management.

Making Centralization easy for top Multinationals

Founded in 2003, the FreeMove Alliance is one of the world’s leading mobile telecommunications alliances, combining the national capabilities of Orange, Deutsche Telekom, TIM and Telia. Together, we serve more than 400 million users across the world

Mobile Alliance
since 2003

The FreeMove Automation Solution is an automated HUB that enables multinational customers to digitize the management of their mobile fleets with a single, direct, and secure access to leading mobile operators. By integrating your company’s ITSM with one of the FreeMove members’ solutions you can manage your complete international mobile fleet through your own ITSM.

Beyond Connectivity

Our mission is to promote the power of global mobility by enabling collaboration between multinational companies and national operators.

The FreeMove Alliance was created specifically to assist multi-national corporations with their unique mobility challenges. Through our joined-up approach together with a single point of management, we provide access to the most reliable mobile networks and enterprise mobility management services

Get to know us

Investment Optimization

Maximizing the value of your mobile connectivity investments, ensuring you get the best performance and reliability.

Central Oversight

Across all your mobile networks, ensuring the best of service quality and seamless connectivity for your multinational operations.

Global reach

The FreeMove Alliance together with

its members and partners cover 150 countries globally.

Empowering multinational customers for over 20 years

Leveraging two decades of expertise to understand, support, and elevate the mobile connectivity needs of global businesses.

Customized services for global needs

Tailoring our telecom solutions to match the unique requirements of each multinational, ensuring optimal performance and alignment with your business goals.

What we offer

Get the FreeMove Automation Solution in

1 minute

With FreeMove, we found a provider that could offer global procurement for regional use by departments, as well as mobile-managed services that would meet the needs of our people around the world.

Clifford Chance

We have made the right choice with FreeMove. We receive high-quality products and services and benefit from the Alliance’s collaboration with leading companies in other sectors to create new mobile communication services.


Managing an effective and reliable commercial partnership covering numerous countries needs empowered and loyal points of contact on both sides. We have established this over the last months and we look forward to a long-lasting and trusting relationship.


What do our customers say about us?

FreeMove has established itself as a Trusted Advisor to the MNC organizations it is working with and has taken on a number of initiatives to be closer to its customers. One notable example is the creation of a Customer Advisory Board which helps the Alliance respond more quickly to the issues its customers face as well steer its longer-term vision according to customer needs. FreeMove also communicates very proactively within its community to further build customer proximity and reinforce its Glocal approach of thinking globally whilst acting locally.

Kitty Weldon, Research Director, Enterprise Technology and Services at GlobalData

Global Data

FreeMove originates in Europe and has strong global reach. The Alliance offers multinationals coverage in most European and many African countries directly through its four members. In addition, FreeMove’s close partnership with T-Mobile US is a key differentiator for many customers operating in markets on either side of the Atlantic. The Alliance has also developed a durable collaboration in Asia with partners such as the Bridge Alliance to benefit MNCs which operate in that region. All in all, FreeMove’s coverage of more than 100 countries worldwide provides a solid standing for the Alliance in the enterprise mobility service market.

Tom Rebbeck, Research Director, Enterprise and IoT at Analysys Mason

Analysys Mason

FreeMove is successfully expanding its target market to include multi-national organizations that are slightly smaller than its traditional MNC customers. The Alliance’s New Logo push offers those companies tailor-made processes such as its Development Approach for de-centralized customers or its Enterprise S offer suite. These standardized predefined commercial offerings are especially suitable for customers or projects with smaller country fleets where a quick turnaround and sourcing of local offers are beneficial and requested by its customers

Adam Holtby, Principal Analyst, Mobile Workspace at Omdia


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